¿Qué es el ecoturismo?

Claus-Dieter Hetzer de EE. UU. realizó los primeros ecotours en México a principios de la década de 1970. La popularidad del ecoturismo no creció como el turismo masivo, pero desde la década de 1980, más personas se unieron a los ecotours en lugar del turismo masivo. Al ver el potencial, los grandes del sector turístico están entrando lentamente en el mercado del ecoturismo. Kenia, Costa Rica y México son líderes en ecoturismo, pero debido al creciente interés, más personas se inspiran en las contribuciones del ecoturismo y desarrollan el ecoturismo en varios países alrededor del mundo.

Durante nuestros viajes, afectamos mucho al planeta tierra. Aviones, habitaciones de hotel, autobuses, trenes, autos de alquiler; todos ellos generan CO2. Dejar el aire acondicionado y la electricidad de tu habitación de hotel encendidos continuará generando carbono incluso si no estás en la habitación. A nivel global, hemos generado los niveles más altos de carbono en 2011. 35 mil millones de toneladas de carbono fueron generadas por las industrias del mundo en 2011. Solo Alemania generó más emisiones que todo el transporte marítimo internacional del mundo. Especialmente los países muy poblados con menos bosques generan más carbono. Aquí está el papel del turismo en el calentamiento global;

¿Cómo puedo reducir las emisiones de carbono mientras viajo?

Viaja con agencias que sean ecológicas. Plantamos un árbol para todos los clientes que vienen a Turquía y plantamos 118 árboles en 2015. No somos la única empresa que lo hace, por favor, busca hoteles o empresas con conciencia ambiental. Evita los viajes en avión si puedes. Los trenes están muy bien operados en Europa y se están desarrollando lentamente en Turquía, que puedes usar mientras cambias de destino. Si viajas frecuentemente, viaja cerca de casa o por un período de tiempo más largo como hacen los australianos. Al reservar vuelos, verifica si la compañía recicla los desechos y utiliza material reciclado a bordo. Considera tu habitación de hotel como tu propia casa. Apaga las luces, el aire acondicionado y el televisor antes de salir de la habitación para explorar. Camina o usa una bicicleta si puedes en lugar de alquilar un coche o tener un conductor designado. Comprar un cargador solar contribuirá mucho más que usar baterías no recargables. Apoya la economía local comprando artículos y productos directamente de ellos. Reserva una experiencia de clase de cocina con nosotros :) o únete a un paseo bajo la luna llena.

¿Te gustaría que te diseñáramos un itinerario privado, que incluya una experiencia de clase de cocina o un paseo bajo la luna llena? Aprovecha nuestra experiencia. Ofrecemos tours a medida a Turquía para todos los intereses y deseos, desde lunas de miel románticas y viajes por carretera panorámicos hasta tours fotográficos con fotógrafos experimentados y tours culturales en destinos principales. Organizamos todo para tus Tours a Turquía, incluyendo reservas de hotel, traslados al aeropuerto, tours guiados y experiencias de primera clase. Queremos que pases un buen rato en Turquía y nos aseguramos de que tu viaje sea memorable, ya que hemos escoltado personalmente tantos tours en Turquía. Imagina tratar solo con una persona para todos los detalles de tu viaje, recibiendo itinerarios personalizados y recomendaciones que se adapten exactamente a tus intereses de viaje. Contacta a Turkey Tour Organizer para obtener un itinerario personalizado día a día para tu viaje a Turquía.

Kadir Akın

Kadir Akin is the managing partner of Turkey Tour Organizer Co. and a highly skilled travel advisor and tour guide. Kadir has worked in the tourist sector for more than 15 years, and he has a wealth of experience in trip planning and offering first-rate guiding services.

Whether visiting historical sites, trying the food, or finding off-the-beaten-path jewels, traveling with Kadir as your tour guide ensures a genuine and educational experience. Anyone looking for an insider's view of Turkey will find him to be a reliable and sought-after guide thanks to his love for his country and commitment to his profession.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can reach us by; E-Mail: info@turkeytourorganizer.com We respond to your mails within 12 hours Office Phone: +90 384 3414740 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM, Mon - Sat, GMT + 3:00
We accept payment by credit card and electronic bank transfer. Our deposit requirements and payment terms depends on the tour program you will have and arrival date
We do! Turkey Tour Organizer offers discounts for children for most tourist services published on our website. The discount depends on the age of the child and on the type of service you will require.
Absolutely! The travel consultant who is responsible from your trip from the beginning to the end, will share his/her phone number in the pre-departure document you will receive before your trip.We are giving 24 hours assistance service and our cell phones will always be available for you
Purchase all your needs Turkey Tour Organizer can handle every aspect of your trip from airline tickets, accommodation, guided tours, car hire, activities such as hot air balloon flight & whirling dervish ceremony, local experiences and many more 24 Hours Accessibility If you have a problem during your trip, you can easily contact us from our cell phones which are 24 hours available and we will be happy to sort out the situations for you.Builds Personalized Itineraries We are experts in helping our guests where they need to go and in helping to create possibilities most people never would have dreamed were possible.Time Saver Don’t be confused by calling or sending mails to each of the hotels or suppliers you would need during your trip in Turkey. Let us handle all these work and meanwhile you save lots of time since we will be the only people responsible for your package. Options Tours in Turkey can be arranged in many ways. We offer you an array of options and price quotes from a variety of travel suppliers, giving you an upper hand while making your travel planning. Less Stress Planning a trip can be stressful. There are so many options and details to worry about. Turkey Tour Organizer do the work, resulting in less stress for you. Updated Information Turkey Tour Organizer is constantly communicating with the travel community, thus giving you the most up to date info on airlines, hotels, car rental agencies, and other travel services to consider as you plan your trip. Personal Touch It is always easy to give what a traveler wants. However; we, as Turkey Tour Organizer also do our personal recommendations and touches to make your trip more enjoyable. Where to Go With Kids We are always happy to help our guests to find great locations that are kid- friendly. Trip Cancellation Something has come up and you need to cancel your trip? The only thing you need to do is to call us and we will do the transaction by considering the Cancellation Policy of your trip
When we receive your enquiry, we start designing your dream Turkish holiday itinerary. Building on our excellent network of local and national vendors, we select the very best for your specific style of travel and interests. Being freelance also gives us the opportunity to work with a variety of travel suppliers and select only the best for your customized program.Whether your travel style is 'see everything and pack each day full', 'relax and enjoy more time in fewer places' or anything in-between, we can arrange just about any program that you can imagine. We offer unique travel opportunities, home visits, and off-the-beaten-path adventures to give you a taste of the real Turkey. If you have any special interests, hobbies or passions - just let us know and we can design your itinerary to let you experience what you're interested in seeing and doing here. From hiking, culinary adventures, history, photography, sports, architecture, etc - Turkey offers something for every traveler. We are constantly researching new opportunities for our guests and always eager to hear feedback from past guests - this allows us to know who to recommend in the future and what people truly enjoy doing here. To further guarantee the quality, we only make suggestions based on companies and vendors that we have already established a successful relationship with. We are driven by the knowledge that my guests enjoy Turkey as much as we enjoy sharing my insight, history, traditions and the real Turkey. In Turkey, the tourism industry is set up to give small kick-backs to travel consultants - this doesn't mean that you're overcharged - in fact, you'll often receive a better rate as we are able to establish a discount due to frequent visits to the vendors who supply various services. If unable to secure the best rate for you, we will advise you if a better deal is more achievable by booking directly on line. Usually better rates are available to guides & agencies but if you're interested in self-booking your entire itinerary, we can also help you with the details via email/Skype/IM, etc for a small consulting fee. So, let's get started! Click on the 'contact us' text bubble at the top right and away we go. We look forward to creating the best Turkish holiday just for you.Please kindly be advised that all those services in www.turkeytourorganizer.com are operated by AND Travel Consulting CO.